MS Softball games take place on Monday and Wednesday nights. Games typically start at 6:00 pm. Games are limited to 1 hour and 45 minutes.
All softball players must wear their jersey (tucked in), long pants (no shorts), and a face mask. Metal cleats are not allowed. Each player will need their own bat, helmet, and glove. Batting gloves are optional.
The season for MS Softball takes place in April, May, and June. Practices typically occur in April, with games taking place on weeknights in May and June. Generally, each team will play roughly ten games during the season.
Please read and familiarize yourself with the attached MS Softball OKAW League Rules.
MS Softball registration cost is $65.00. This includes a jersey. Please let us know if you need assistance purchasing a face mask.
If you have further questions, please reach out to the Middle School Softballl league commissioner, Pat Stinson: 217-343-6082.